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A smiling teenager in a wheelchair studies with a classmate before a computer.
A smiling teenager in a wheelchair studies with a classmate before a computer.
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An 8th grader with Down syndrome and her sister view a yellow sunflower using magnifying glasses.

The Special Education Information System (SEIS) is a web-based system that allows centralized, online access for writing IEPs, managing Special Ed data, CALPADs reporting, and service tracking.

SEIS collects and stores all information for:

  • Demographic Information


  • Discipline

  • IEP

  • DRDP

  • Service Delivery

  • Progress Reporting


Service Providers can edit IEP forms, DRDPs and Progress Reports, 24/7 from any device with internet access.

Data is linked between the SEIS Student Record and the IEP, with the ability to integrate data between SEIS and your district's Student Information System (SIS).

2023-24 SEIS Training

Quick Reference Guides

These resources are available to assist any special educator in navigating SEIS.  Each tool provides detailed information and guidance for the user.

SEIS YouTube Channel

Check out the SEIS YouTube Channel to access up-to-date and useful information on all things related to SEIS.

Need Assistance?

Contact the SELPA office at (916) 228-2387.

A fifth grade boy in a wheelchair works on school work with his smiling teacher.
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